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Dr. Loucia Demetriou

Dr. Loucia Demetriou

Associate Professor, Frederick University

Öğretim Üyesi, Frederick Üniversitesi


Dr. Loucia Demetriou (Dimitriou) was born in Athens, Greece, in 1961. She received her B.Sc. (1983), M.Sc. (1985), and Ph.D. in Psychology (1988) from the Albertus Magnus University in Cologne, Germany, while working there as a Research Assistant and later as Doctoral Fellow. She taught Psychology as an Adjunct Assistant Prof. at the University of Trenton, N.J. (1990-1993) and Developmental Psychology for the State University of New York – Empire State College (1990-1994). She is currently an Associate Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology and Social Sciences at Frederick University in Cyprus (2007-today). Her main research interests cover the Psycho-social effects of resilience and positive emotions in times of austerity and the pandemic, Socialization and the Parental Acceptance-Rejection Theory, and Counseling and Career Decision-Making of (vulnerable) Children and Youth. She participates in funded European research projects (Erasmus, Re-Start, Cost) in the areas of Education, Socialization, and Psychological Resilience and is a member-researcher of European Research Networks such as the European Cooperation for Science and Technology, the Psychological Science Accelerator – PSA, the Global Social Norms Network, and the World Pandemic Research Network. Her recent research regarding the psychological consequences of the Covid19 pandemic lockdowns and physical distancing measures on the well-being of various groups of the population (college students, working mothers, children, and the elderly) and the role of positive emotions and resilience has been published in peerreviewed journals and presented in international academic conferences. She is the author of the book “The first six years of life» (Pedio, Athens 2015, 8th edition), and co-author of the book “Antisocial Behavior in the Cypriot Youth, Racistic Tendencies,” (Savvoulas, 2005). Dr. Demetriou is an invited guest professor for the MA degree in “Counseling and Guidance” at the University of Pedagogical and Technological Education in Athens but also collaborates with the University of Ioannina and the University of Patras in research projects and in Ph.D. evaluation committees. At Frederick University, she has chaired the Departments of Pre-Primary Education, Primary Education, and since 2019 the Department of Psychology and Social Work, while she is an elected representative of the academic staff at the Board of Directors of Frederick University. She is a member of the American Psychological Association, the International Society for Interpersonal Acceptance-Rejection (ISIPAR), and the Hellenic Society for Counseling and Career Guidance (ELESYP). She has been collaborating with the “Sanata Evet” foundation since July 2021 in developing a methodology for cultivating psychological resilience and positive emotions in youth and adolescents through Art. Google Scholar profile: ResearchGate profile:


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