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Fadi Saab

Fadi Saab

Chairperson, Trans Capital Finance, UK / IKAR Holdings, UK / NEBIX Ilc

Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı, Trans Capital Finance, İngiltere / IKAR Holdings, İngiltere / NEBIX Ilc


"An extensive multidimensional track record of more than 45 years in Investment & Commercial Banking; Private Equity & Corporate Finance; Aviation & Logistics, Tourism & Hospitality; Investment Advisory and Consultancy Services. Founder, Chairman, CEO, and Executive Board Member of several companies in the USA, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Leading roles in various business associations, and economic NGO’s active in the promotion of SME Development, Entrepreneurship, Angel Investment, Corporate Governance, Business Ethics, Transparency, Anti- Corruption, Accountability, Access to Information, and Quality Principles. Organizer and speaker at global economic conferences and international business summits. Passionate amateur of collectibles, classic antiques, and modern art."


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